Electric Thermal Oil Heater

Steam Boiler

Gas burner is equipment that provides or regulates fuel gas and air to burn. One of its uses is to mix air and fuel to produce good combustion and increase combustion efficiency.
The distributor of Riello GAS Burners is Burners manufactured in Italy. In 1998 the Riello Burners brand was created to focus on this area of activity of the company, which by that time had diversified into several product lines. In 2005 Riello Burners was selling around 500,000 burners per year across the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors.
Specialist Maker water tube model One trough vertical steam Boiler work pressure 10 sd 30 barg-desaign customis bahan bakar yang dapat disesuaikan customers, diantara bahan bakar Gas (LPG,PGN,CNG), Solar diesel oil,MFO,dan Biomassa.
PT Indira Mitra Boiler is an official importer and official distributor for Slack & Parr gear pumps which are well known in the textile industry, oil and gas mining, and several other industries. Our team can provide modular and custom process solutions to meet a wide range of oilfield applications for upstream, midstream and downstream sectors.
In addition, PT Indira Mitra Boiler is also an official importer and distributor for pneumatic products from Janatics. Therefore, it is the right and efficient step to partner with us to meet your industrial needs.
Fire Tube Boiler(Pipa Api)
PT Indira Mitra Boiler 2015 has officially collaborated with Benteler Indonesia and at the same time was appointed as the Sole Agent and Stockist of Benteler brand KETEL Pipes made in Germany.
With the support of Benteler Indonesia, we guarantee the quality and availability of sufficient stock to meet your company’s needs.
Benteler boiler pipes have British Standards (BS), European Standards (EN) and Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) so that this type of pipe is good for power plants, petrochemicals, refining installations, palm oil factories, sugar factories and others.